Buy Revenue
Sivo's revenue marketplace enables users to purchase the future revenue of fast-growing businesses and ambitious self-employed individuals or gig workers at a discount to face value, earning a return upon redemption. Future revenue includes receivables such as payment receipts, invoices, and billing agreements—for example, recurring SaaS payments.
Redemption periods range from as little as a few hours to up to 90 days, offering buyers market-leading returns. Transactions are structured as true sales between the buyer and the merchant’s customer responsible for the receivable, making them bankruptcy remote. In the event of a merchant’s bankruptcy, the receivable is designed to remain unaffected and not subject to clawback by creditors.
To enhance security, both the merchant and Sivo’s network of collateral providers contribute collateral, adding additional layers of protection to the receivable purchase for the buyer.
Learn more in the following sections, which we’ll continue to update ahead of our targeted launch in Q1 2025. Get started at and explore the growing number of venues where you can purchase future revenue using currencies like US dollars or cryptocurrencies such as USDC, BTC, and ETH.
Updated 2 months ago